The Blog
Social Media Detox for Better Body Image
Rather than a food detox that will likely leave you with an unhealthy relationship with food (been there, done that) what if you detoxed your social media to actually improve your life instead?
I think we’ve all wrestled – at one point or another – with social media. What role do we want it to play in our life? Is it healthy? Unhealthy? Is it keeping us connected or making us more lonely?
These questions are most helpful when answered at a totally individual level; each person uses social media differently. In this post I want to discuss how social media impacts one specific area: body image.
What Influences Body Image: 5 Ways to Feel Better About Your Body
When discussing what influences body image, it’s important to recognize why this is something we would even care about in the first place.
How to Create a Kick ass Closet That Supports Your Intuitive Eating Journey
If you’re feeling -no way- about tossing out those killer jean shorts from college and that you’d rather sandpaper your skin off than go shopping for clothes to fit your here and now body, WELCOME.
Bad Body Image Day? How to Deal in 8 Ways
No matter where you’re at on your body image healing journey, you are bound to have a bad body image day here or there.
7 Things I’ve Learned from Being Sober for 7 Years
Sharing some of the most vulnerable parts of my alcoholic journey to recovery to hopefully help break the stigma around mental health and alcoholism. I hope to encourage people to ask for help and hold on for dear life until hope enters your body for long enough to believe it could work for you too.
Body Neutrality: Do We Actually Have to Love Our Bodies?
You’re probably wondering, WTF is body neutrality?
(Guest post by intern and Nutritionist, Lyndsay Brooke, MS, RYT)
“Imagine a life where you stop hating your body and start living your life.” This was a post I recently saw on Instagram.
In a sea of body positivity, body love, and body acceptance, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged by the movement in its entirety.
How to Get Beach Body Ready, Without Changing Your Body At All
You’re being robbed. Of a peaceful, enjoyable, fulfilling, present, kick-ass summer/beach season because you likely feel pressure to have a certain beach body, and i’m sick of it. I’m guessing you are too, which is why you’re here reading this post.
How to Be a Single Happy Girl
With Valentine’s Day coming up, I’ve been (naturally) thinking about my singleness a bit more than usual. The truth is, I fucking love being single (finally)… But the other truth is, I have avoided it my entire life up until now.